Table of Contents
Page 1 Article I -- Organization
Article II – Management
Page 2 Article III -- Duties of Officers
Page 3 Article IV -- Elections and Appointments of Post Officers
Page 5 Article V -- Finances
Page 7 Article VI -- Disciplinary Action
Article VII – Resolutions
Page 8 Article VIII – Meetings
Article IX – Notices
Article X - Rules of Order
Article XI – Limitations of Liability
Article XII – Properties
Page 9 Article XIII – Amendments
Signatures of Post Commander and Adjutant
Article I -- Organization
Section 1. The post existing under these Bylaws is to be known as Gary Streeter Post
No. 108 (“Post”), Department of Arizona.
Section 2. The objects of this Post are as set forth in the Constitution.
Article II -- Management
Section 1. The government and management of the Post is entrusted to a Committee
to be known as the Post Executive Board or E-Board consisting of not more than
twelve (12) members.
Section 2. The E-Board under the direction of the Post Commander shall consist of
the Post Commander, the 1st Vice Commander, the 2nd Vice Commander, Adjutant,
Finance Officer, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms, Service Officer, Judge Advocate, and
three additional persons. These additional persons shall be the Immediate Past Post
Commander and two (2) Members at Large elected by the general membership. In
the event the immediate Past Post Commander is unable to act, or holds another
office on the E-Board, the Commander can appoint any Past Post 108 Commander
to this position. Per Robert's Rules of Order, the Post Commander has no vote,
except in the case of a tie vote.
Section 3. All elections of officers and executive committeemen shall be by ballot
and the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be
elected to the respective office or offices for which they are candidates.
Section 4. All vacancies existing in the Executive Committee, or in any office of the
Post, from any cause other than the expiration of the term, shall be filled by a
majority vote of the remaining members of the committee, and a person so elected
shall hold office for the unexpired term of the member of the committee or officer
whom he succeeds. A vacancy shall exist when a member or officer is absent from
his/her Post for a continuous period considered detrimental to the interest of the Post
by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. The Post E-Board shall meet at the call of the Post Commander with a
minimum of five (5) days’ written (or e-mail) notice or upon a written request of at
least four (4) members of the E-Board.
Section 6. Four (4) members of the E-Board shall constitute a quorum thereof.
Section 7. The Post E-Board shall hire such employees as necessary, shall authorize
and approve all expenditures, shall require adequate bonds from all persons having
custody of Post funds, and shall have charge of, and be responsible for, the
management of the affairs of this Post.
Section 8. A majority vote of those present, and/or voting, will prevail in all E-Board
meetings and a record of all motions, votes and business transactions must be
recorded and entered into the minutes of such meetings. Votes via e-mail shall be
allowed and shall be considered an E-Board meeting.
Section 9. The Post Commander shall report all decisions of the E-Board to the
membership not later than the next succeeding regular Post meeting unless otherwise
provided for in these Bylaws. The Post meeting minutes shall record
recommendations of the E-Board and final disposition by the membership.
Section 10. All decisions of the E-Board must be approved by the general
membership at a regular scheduled meeting, unless otherwise provided for in these
Article III -- Duties of Officers
Section 1. The presiding Officers of this Post are the Post Commander, 1st Vice
Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, in that order named except when the presiding
Officer requests some other member to officiate temporarily during the meeting.
Section 2. The Commander shall preside over all meetings of the Post and the
meetings of the E-Board and have general supervision over the business and affairs
of the Post. Such officer shall be the Executive Officer of the Post. He/she shall
approve all orders directing the distribution of funds and he/she shall perform such
other duties as directed by the E-Board.
Section 3. The 1st Vice Commander, in conjunction with the Post Adjutant, shall be
Co-Chairman of the Membership Committee. He/she shall assume and discharge the
duties of the office of Commander in the absence or disability of, or when called
upon by, the Post Commander.
Section 4. The 2nd Vice Commander, in the absence of both the Commander and
1st Vice Commander, shall preside at all meetings and/or when called upon. He/she
shall direct fundraisers, flag retirements, flag ceremonies, and assist the Post
Commander at all public ceremonies and presentations. His/her primary
responsibility shall be as directed by the Commander.
Section 5. The Post Adjutant shall have charge of keeping a full and correct record
of all proceedings at all meetings, keep such records as the Department and National
organizations may require, render reports of membership annually or when called
upon at a meeting. The Post Adjutant, in conjunction with the 1st Vice Commander,
shall be Co-Chair of the Membership Committee. Under the direction of the
Commander, the Post Adjutant will handle all correspondence of the Post. The Post
Adjutant shall be responsible to prepare and submit the document(s) listed below by
the due date as defined in Appendix III.
o The Consolidated Post Report (CPR)
Section 6. The Finance Officer shall be subject to the control of the E-Board and be
charged with the collection and custody of Post funds. This includes all funds of the
Post, and shall keep its accounts, report thereon at any meeting of the E-Board, and
to all regularly scheduled membership meetings. An audit shall be performed by two
(2) members of the E-Board and a Member at Large when the office changes
personnel, or before the incoming Finance Officer takes control of the Post funds,
records and annually thereafter.
Section 7. The Finance Officer shall also maintain a cash on hand fund in the amount
not to exceed $150.00 to cover immediate expenditures that arise, the need to make
change during meetings, etc.
Section 8. The Finance Officer shall be responsible to prepare and submit the
document(s) listed below by the due date as defined in Appendix III.
o The Arizona Corporation Commission Entity Form
o The Arizona Secretary of State Veterans Service Organization Registration
o IRS: 990 N (e-Postcard) Exempt Organizations Select Check
Section 9. The Judge Advocate, whose primary duties shall be the interpretation of
the Constitution and Bylaws of Gary Streeter Post 108, provide advice on Robert's
Rules of Order, and advice on obtaining local counsel, when applicable.
Article IV -- Elections and Appointments of Post Officers
Section 1. All elective officers of this Post must be elected annually by secret ballot
at the membership meeting in the month of May. Elected Officers shall be Post
Commander, 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Finance Officer and two
(2) Members at Large. The Chaplain, Adjutant, Sergeant-at-Arms, Service Officer
and Judge Advocate are appointed by the newly elected Commander. All
appointments shall be approved by the E-Board. All appointed positions serve at the
pleasure of the Commander.
Section 2. All persons nominated for any office must be a member in good standing
of this Post at the time of nomination.
Section 3. The Post Commander shall start the nomination process beginning with
the March meeting and ending with the May meeting. Members may nominate any
member in good standing including themselves. Prior to submitting anyone’s name
in nomination for any of the Post’s elected offices, the person being nominated must
acknowledge they are willing to serve in that position, if elected, for the coming
year. All nominations to be made for the Good of the Order.
Section 4. The Post Commander may appoint a Nominating Committee consisting
of three (3) eligible members at the March general meeting. If appointed, the
Nominating Committee shall assemble a list of eligible members who are willing to
serve in one of the Post’s elected Officer positions for the ensuing year. The
Nominating Committee shall make its report at the regularly “scheduled” May
meeting. The Commander shall invite any further nominations for those elected
offices from the floor. Prior to submitting anyone’s name in nomination for any of
the Post’s elected offices, that person must know that the nominee will serve in that
position, if elected, for the coming year. All nominations to be made for the Good
of the Order.
Section 5. A member cannot be nominated for more than one office.
Section 6. The election of officers shall be in the following order: Commander, First
Vice Commander, Second Vice Commander, Finance Officer, and the two (2)
Members at Large.
Section 7. The nominee who receives the most votes for a particular office shall be
declared elected to that office or position.
Section 8. All elected officers will take the oath of office, be installed, and assume
office immediately following the election.
Section 9. The Post Commander, immediately upon taking office each year, shall
appoint the following standing committees: Boys State, ALLECA, and such other
committees as the Post may form.
Article V -- Finances
Section 1. The finances of Gary Streeter Post 108 of The American Legion shall be
derived as follows:
A. By payment of dues and donations from membership.
B. By public and private entertainment, amusements, shows, contests, bingo games,
clubrooms, flag services, hall rentals, or any other activity whatsoever from which
revenue may be obtained, in accordance with the provisions and restrictions imposed
by The American Legion National Headquarters and/or the Department of Arizona
C. By bequest, gift, will or donation, and from other sources.
All monies accruing to the Post as defined in subsections A and B shall be recorded
in a separate accounting, deposited in a local bank or banks, and may be expended
in any manner by authority of the Post Commander and Post E-Board, and the
consent of the membership for the support of the Post activities, and for the
maintenance of Post property and records.
Section 2. All monies accruing to the Post, as defined in subsection B and C above,
shall be accounted for in a separate line item and deposited in a local bank or trust
institution for future use.
Section 3. The revenue of, and for this Post, must be given in keeping to the officially
elected Post Commander, Post Finance Officer, or 1st Vice Commander. These
officers shall be bonded.
Section 4. Dues and fees for membership in The American Legion by and through
the Gary Streeter Post 108, Department of Arizona, will be such an amount as may
be fixed by the E-Board and approved by the general membership for any current
year from which must be taken the per capita assessment as prescribed by The
American Legion National Headquarters, the Department of Arizona and District 8.
Section 5. In the instance of membership fees or dues, the Post Adjutant shall issue
authorized official membership cards to applying members, with the support of the
Membership Co-Chair.
Section 6. The Post shall incur no indebtedness without the authority of the Post
Commander, and not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), without obtaining
consent of the E-Board for recommendation and back to the floor for consent of its
Section 7. Expenditures of revenue, finances and money in control of the Finance
Officer over $500.00 shall also require the signature of the Post Commander or 1st
Vice Commander, if the Commander is not immediately available.
Section 8. No disbursement of Post funds shall be made to any person, individual,
firm, business or corporation without an itemized invoice for the amount claimed.
Section 9. Finances invested through an Investment Advisor Service (if utilized),
shall be under the control of a Board consisting of the Post Commander, 1st Vice
Commander and the Post Finance Officer, to make immediate decisions based on
sound recommendations of the Financial Advisor.
Section 10. The report of funds received and expended, current indebtedness, if any,
and funds on hand, including all revenues as defined in Section 1, must be made
available to the membership by the Finance Officer at a regular monthly meeting of
the Post. This report shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
Section 11. Reimbursement for Department Convention and Conference Expenses.
A. It shall be the duty of the Post Commander and the Post Finance Officer to reserve
from the Post finances each year the sum of up to $500.00 each to reimburse both
the current Commander and Adjutant, or, in case of their inability to attend, their
alternates, to defray their authorized out-of-pocket expenses while attending the
annual Department Convention, wherever convened.
B. The same amount shall be made available to reimburse the outgoing Past
Commander, when applicable, so they may mentor the current Commander at the
Department Convention.
C. The same $500.00 amount shall be reimbursable to only the current Commander
and Adjutant for the purpose of attending the Fall Conference, wherever convened.
D. Reimbursable expenses include lodging, including applicable taxes, for the actual
dates of the convention/conference at the advertised rate, meals actually consumed,
and actual fuel costs. Receipts must be submitted to justify all expenses.
E. The above stated reimbursements shall be provided only if adequate funds are
available in the Post treasury.
Article VI -- Disciplinary Action
Section 1. Removal from elected office - The E-Board shall have the power to
remove from office any elected officer who is convicted, after a fair trial by the EBoard,
of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance of office, and/or conduct
unbecoming a member of The American Legion.
Section 2. Removal from appointive office - The Post Commander shall have the
power to remove from any office any appointed officer who serves at the pleasure
of the Commander.
Section 3. Suspension of Expulsion of Post Members - The E-Board may suspend
or expel a Post member from The American Legion after providing the member due
process and a proper showing of cause. Charges shall be based upon disloyalty,
neglect of duty, dishonesty, and/or conduct unbecoming a member of The American
Legion. All charges must be made under oath in writing by the accusers, and no
member in good standing shall lose their membership until given a fair trial by the
Post E-Board.
Section 4. Censure by the E-Board - In lieu of suspension or expulsion, censure by
the E-Board may be selected as appropriate action.
Article VII -- Resolutions
Section 1. All resolutions of state or national scope presented to this Post by a
member, or reported to this Post by a committee, shall merely embody the opinion
of this Post on the subject and copy of same shall be forwarded to the department
headquarters for its approval before any publicity is given or action other than mere
passage by the Post is taken.
Article VIII -- Meetings
Section 1. The regular meeting of the Post shall be held at the Post Home or a
location known and conveyed to the membership at least once a month, at which
may be transacted such business as may properly be brought up for action.
Section 2. The Post Commander or a majority of the Executive Committee shall have
power to call a special membership meeting of the Post at any time.
Section 3. Upon the written request of 10% of the general membership, the Executive
Committee shall call a special meeting of the Post.
Section 4. Ten members shall constitute a quorum.
Article IX -- Notices
Section 1. Every member shall furnish the Post Adjutant with his or her mailing
address and e-mail address for notification purposes.
Section 2. The Post Adjutant shall cause notice of the annual election to be given at
least two weeks prior thereto.
Article X -- Rules of Order
Section 1. All proceedings of this Post shall be conducted under and pursuant to
Roberts’ Rules of Order, except as herein otherwise provided.
Article XI -- Limitations of Liabilities
Section 1 .This Post shall incur, or cause to be incurred, no liability nor obligations
whatever which shall object to liability any other post, subdivision, group or men,
members of The America Legion, or other individuals, corporations or
Article XII -- Properties
Section 1. Real estate properties to be obtained or disposed of by the Post shall be
approved at a regular Post meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members of said
Post attending the regular meeting: provided that written notice shall have been
given to all members at least 15 days in advance of the date when such transaction
is to be voted upon, notifying said members that at such meeting a proposal to obtain
or dispose of real estate properties is to be voted upon.
American Legion PV Post 108
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